Friday, November 6, 2015

9/12 Power

9/12 Power

"Americans have strongly negative views of the way the nation is being governed and of Congress. They also, as will be reviewed here, have significant concerns about the power of the federal government...... Yet, in a broad sense, Americans are as likely to prefer a more active government as a more limited one."

The meaning of this passage is that even though Americans are not happy, not satisfied with the way our government works they prefer to stay with the known than to try the unknown. Americans are more likely to give the government more power in the hopes that it will improve the government function.
I think this passage is a great example to what Steven Lukes  arguing. Lukes is saying that at the end of it all it is the people who decide whats important, whats right or wrong, what changes need to be made. It is the people that determined the up-rise or down fall of a government. Americans have the ability to bring about a change in the government.
I chose this passage because i find it funny that even though people are not pleased with our government they will not take action to change it. It is my personal believe that people are being delusional in thinking that more power will encourage our government to function better. I do believe that as a united group we have a voice, a power that can influence. With that being said, if we don't believe that we have the power, if we don't think that our voice can influence or if we are afraid of changes or just don't care than our voice become powerless. I think its can be a very dangerous thing to give the government too much power without holding them accountable for their action. Accountability is a key word.

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